The people known as the Baduy have remained isolated from the mainstream society, living in a cluster of villages in the province of Banten, West Java. They cling to their very ancient way of life, holding on to their ancestral beliefs and practicing Sunda Wiwitan. They are devided into two groups, an inner group (Baduy Dalam) who have no contact with the outside world, and who are surrounded by the villages of the outer group the Baduy Luar. They are almost completely self-sufficient for their everyday needs, including the weaving of cloth.
The Baduy Dalam wear predominantly white clothing, representing purity and life. The Baduy Luar wear more black (indigo dyed) clothing, representing eternal life. When worn in combination the colours are united and represent the idea that eternal life is devotion to God.
Baduy Luar use also more colours in their clothing - red, yellow, and blue - although black dominates. Nowadays the Baduy make textiles for sale as well in order to earn money needed for schooling for their children andfor medicines when sick.
Pics are Suat Songket made by outer Baduy people (Baduy Luar) using back-strap loom called a pakara
Ira Tazar